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Next Week's Social Media Playbook

Monday June 6th

Video Recording Day **D-DAY**

The social world is having to tighten up on their security and privacy while also find ways to eliminate the number of fake accounts being made.  (There are millions). Here are the most recent updates and action items we need from you (again, if you could audit this weekend that would be great)!!

  • Video Idea #1: If You Were Recently Denied an FHA Loan Due to Students Loans… Watch This!

    Talking points around the FHA Student Loan Guideline (and how this updated last year)

    Use a real client example showing how much their purchase power grew from the once 1% payment vs. the .5% payment (of balance of student loan).
  • Video Idea #2:   How to Get a Better Interest Rate to Lower Your Mortgage Payment

    CLICK HERE (recreate with a little more energy)

Tuesday June 7th

TCA TUESDAY – GO LIVE!  **Rent Vs. Own

How to create a Rent vs. Own:  Click Here

Wednesday June 8th


Interview a Local Realtor for a Housing Market Update for the Start of June / Summer

Thursday June 9th

Post a REEL showing TEAM CULTURE & FUN

CLICK HERE  (recreate as “How I enter the office when I love who I work with”)

Friday June 10th

2008 vs. Now REEL


HaPpY  FrIdAy!

Please make sure you watch today's video for some Social Media Account Updates that are extremely important we have you review this weekend to ensure a timely post schedule (for those we schedule for).  REMINDER:  if you want us to review this for you or with you then please schedule time on this link HERE.

The social world is having to tighten up on their security and privacy while also find ways to eliminate the number of fake accounts being made.  (There are millions). Here are the most recent updates and action items we need from you (again, if you could audit this weekend that would be great)!!

  1. ALL BUSINESS INSTAGRAM ACCOUNTS now must include a date of birth listed (must be 21 years and older) under the account settings.  If you go to your account and click "Edit Profile," scroll down to "Personal Information Settings," and update Birthday (if not listed).  
  2. Add plugandplaysm@gmail.com as an admin user to your Google My Business account.
  3. Add plugandplaysm@gmail.com as an admin user to your YouTube Channel.
  4. Set up the Two Factor Authenticator in Facebook with our phone number (972-787-2544), so we can access verification codes when trying to log in (without bothering you).
  5. If you are wanting posts to be made on Pinterest... you have to create a board on your Pinterest account so the post have a place to "land."  Several created a Pinterest account but do not have a board created therefore no posts will be made as it doesn't have a way to connect.


Modern Mortgage Summit is June 8th – GET TICKETS HERE
Lender Launch Pad Tool – CLICK HERE

We have offices in the following locations and we're growiing every day!

Arizona Mortgage Broker License number (MB - 1016275)